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 She did it, She had a bull!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadebg1988 Posted - Apr 29 2016 : 7:37:32 PM
Valentine is our senior cow of 9 years young, and has NEVER produced a bull calf in her history of calvings. Most of you remember her, she is the mother of Amore the little heifer we almost lost a year ago. Well this was Valentines last year being bred to our previous Bull Adam before he was sold to California, and she blew our socks off with this little bull calf. His name is Cupid and we most likely will not be retaining him as we only need one bull but he sure is a handsome little man and will make someone an awesome little herd bull.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - May 01 2016 : 10:13:07 PM
Wow, what a resemblance! Very handsome bulls. That heart on the forehead gets me every time!
maryjane Posted - May 01 2016 : 5:11:29 PM
Spitting image. That's incredible.
kadebg1988 Posted - May 01 2016 : 2:58:47 PM

Holy cow MJ you weren't kidding, he could be a reincarnation. Wow!
kadebg1988 Posted - May 01 2016 : 2:48:46 PM
He just keeps getting better and better !

maryjane Posted - Apr 30 2016 : 7:10:58 PM
He's almost an exact duplicate of the bull I lost, Beaumont. He's gorgeous!!! But alas, I have three bulls already. Maybe we could work out a trade:)
kadebg1988 Posted - Apr 30 2016 : 1:45:01 PM
I'm telling you MJ, this little guy needs to come live at your farm! I think he would do amazing things in your herd.
farmlife Posted - Apr 30 2016 : 08:12:54 AM
He is stinking adorable, Kade. Congratulations!
maryjane Posted - Apr 30 2016 : 06:24:55 AM
He is a lovely fella, Kade. Wouldn't he and Ester Lily make a great pair?
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 29 2016 : 8:32:56 PM
Congratulations Kade. What a cutie! Love his coloring!