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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sydney2015 Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 1:47:17 PM
Hi everyone, I talked with the lady who came out today about breeding AppleButter. Here is the link to the bull she thinks would work best.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Apr 19 2016 : 05:57:24 AM
Again, Thank you!
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 5:58:14 PM
Excited for you Sydney. Hoping you find the perfect bull that works for AppleButter. The journey continues. ;)
maryjane Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 4:10:03 PM
I called once about a listed bull because I was also interested in the coloring of the bull and she told me the photos are often of bulls in general and not the specific bull listed. Someday I'd like to school myself on all the numbers. I know generally what they mean but not entirely.
Sydney2015 Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 4:05:01 PM
Thank you everyone! I don't know MaryJane, I wouls also like to know the DOB, but I'd assume he is old enough to be bred since a dairy uses him.
CloversMum Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 3:57:51 PM
Handsome fellow ... but I really don't know what those numbers mean either. So glad you have someone to help figure out who would be best as a sire for AppleButter's future calf. Exciting.
maryjane Posted - Apr 18 2016 : 3:52:55 PM
Looks good Sydney. It helps to have someone who knows what all the numbers mean. Do you know if the bull was polled?