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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 09:39:16 AM
My Mickey kitty is most definitely not afraid of the goats. He walks the fence and greets each one!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Jan 15 2016 : 3:50:09 PM
So cute Charlene!
CloversMum Posted - Jan 14 2016 : 10:16:18 AM
I can see so many children's stories with all my animals ... Just need to sit down and put them to paper as they swirl about in my head!
CloversMum Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 7:41:43 PM
So many of the times these sorts of pictures are "heart" pictures since I don't usually have my phone with me. I just treasure those pictures always in my heart. This one I did have my phone with me so I could snap a picture or two!
txbikergirl Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 4:57:24 PM
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 4:35:22 PM
For sure. It's all those special little moments that we come upon, or observe throughout the day, that make are hearts and faces smile.
maryjane Posted - Jan 13 2016 : 1:46:54 PM
LOVE your cat/goat interspecies love photos, Charlene.

And this is why we do what we do.