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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 11 2015 : 03:46:28 AM
Perhaps if they stick together they will be warmer.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 9:03:18 PM
Ron, we have a twin to your orange-striped kitty ... right down to his white paws!
Ron Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 2:32:36 PM
Cats pretty much rule the roost around here....not a mouse in sight....
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 1:31:38 PM
How cute and cozy is that? They have it made. Life of luxury.
Ron Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 1:17:53 PM
I adore cats.....
CloversMum Posted - Jan 06 2016 : 09:05:35 AM
My son LOVES puzzles and he has gotten me to liking them as well. But he was so busy with his erector set over Christmas, we never got a puzzle out either. His erector set has taken over our round table in the family room usually reserved for puzzles. Guess I have to wait 'til he's done with his current project.

I really like how puzzles can get the entire family working away at it and it is a special time of quiet communication between all of us. Maybe I should just scoot his project over and slowly get out another puzzle ... hum...
txbikergirl Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 5:45:32 PM
janet the cats are adorable! we only have 3 farm cats, that and the 2 pugs are enough little critters around here right now.

i too normally do a puzzle each winter. i like to start it on the dining table and then work away on it for a month in the evenings, here and there. haven't done it yet this year... so much has slipped this winter so i think i need to get that puzzle out this weekend!
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 3:03:16 PM
Charlene, when I was a girl we used to take pictures and glue them onto poster board or construction paper, turn the picture side down and draw out squiggles that looked like puzzle pieces, cut them out and we had a homemade puzzle. I just did one a few days ago out of a picture of tomatoes. It was small, but challenging. I guess that will be my "December" puzzle.
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 2:55:17 PM
Yes, it would be a challenging puzzle, especially if the rest of the bunch crowded in. A mass of fur balls. I use to do a puzzle every December. I think this is the first time I didn't. Must be slipping.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 2:34:57 PM
I still think it would make a fun puzzle ... my youngest son says it would need to at least have 1000 pieces. (He loves puzzles!)
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 1:41:14 PM
I have no idea. When you have as many cats as we do you just don't even pay attention, it's just a clowder.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 12:38:22 PM
Now that is a variety of kitties! That would make a cool puzzle! How many cats exactly? I was counting 12 but then wasn't sure?
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 10:41:59 AM
Well, we kinda do. You know, cuddle up to a herd of milk cows, maybe a few cats snuggled in-between. ;)
maryjane Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 10:32:21 AM
That is just the cutest, most diverse bundle of cats I've ever seen. Makes me want to curl up with them, right in the middle. Adorable photo, Janet!
NellieBelle Posted - Jan 05 2016 : 10:10:43 AM
Cindy, my farm cats tell me there is warmth in numbers.
txbikergirl Posted - Jan 01 2016 : 2:45:47 PM
"rusty" one of the farm cats coming out of the barn for love today during our pasture walk.

NellieBelle Posted - Nov 11 2015 : 08:38:47 AM
Well, looks like we're both gaining. Steady as she goes. :) I've got vet scheduled for Tues. evening next week for Nellie and calf. Vaccines etc. Then I will wait on Sienna until Tuck's horns pop up. Leo already has pretty good nubbins. Should make a stanchion for little bulls. My large ones are too big, won't hold them. Doubt we could get it built by Tues. Have to make do.
Ron Posted - Nov 11 2015 : 08:16:15 AM
Feeding cows,cats,chickens,dogs and women...not nessecerialy in that order...packing boxes too...water test came back good on the house so it's survey and title search then done!
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 11 2015 : 06:51:50 AM
Joe went to work like always. I'm here holding down the fort. Workers here yesterday digging footings, getting ready for concrete. They were going to get a hold of plumbers so they can get their ditches dug and pipes laid down. Electrician will be coming anytime now too. With all the wet and very windy weather, things have slowed all workers and their jobs so, get them when we get them. I doubt I will suffer much one way or other. I have good muscles in my arms and legs from carting all the stuff to the barn and back. Good for me. How about you and Elaine? What you up to today?
Ron Posted - Nov 11 2015 : 06:14:22 AM
Good morning that's adorable....don't even want to tell you how much I spent on cats yesterday...OMG! They have been all itching their ears and shaking their heads....yep...ear mites...I just don't have the time and wear withal to clean each cats ears and put drops in twice a week ( not to mention holding on to them ) so I had to opt for the pour on yucky stuff. Turns out that stuff is a kings ransom...

What's going on with you and Joe today?