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 Where's my breakfast?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 23 2015 : 09:35:44 AM
I feed a group of cats every morning, 2 times and again in the afternoon. Plus they get milk twice a day, and Lionel will still come to the sunroom porch and meow with an expression on his face, like, "where's my breakfast?"
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 23 2015 : 5:22:11 PM
Truth be told, I look forward to Lionel as much as he looks forward to his special "private" breakfast. Jasper's going to know how to use that laptop before you know it. :)
maryjane Posted - Oct 23 2015 : 09:38:18 AM
I recognize that face:) His brother gave me the same look this morning. Jasper meows for affection in addition to meowing for food. Five minutes of petting while I type single-handedly on my laptop and he's good to go again.