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Sydney2015 Posted - Sep 29 2015 : 8:07:25 PM
Alright, so I am looking for another dog, I would like to buy an Australian Kelpie. I have been looking for a breeder to buy a dog from. I was just wondering if anyone know of a breeder? The Australian Kelpie is also called the Kelpie, and they are herding dogs, I would like to buy another dog so I could have a second dog to train. Let me know if you know if a breeder. Thanks all!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Oct 07 2015 : 1:12:28 PM
Yes, well, of course, you found it in Idaho! (Just slightly biased here! lol) Will they ship the puppy to you or will you be making a trip out to Idaho? And, are you going for the multi-colored type or a solid color dog?
So much fun thinking about a new puppy! Of course, we'll all need photos once you have a rambunctious puppy running around! Are you thinking of getting one before winter or waiting until next spring?

I, myself, just reserved two female goat kids for next spring from a goat breeder in Oregon. This is the first time I've ever done that! Feels a bit funny to have reserved two doelings when they probably haven't even been conceived yet! But I'm looking forward to some new genetics in my goat herd.
Sydney2015 Posted - Oct 07 2015 : 10:20:52 AM
You are right on Charlene! Thanks for the luck! I might have found one in Idaho.
CloversMum Posted - Sep 30 2015 : 9:14:27 PM
Sydney, have you had an Australian Kelpie before? From what I've read, they are an extremely smart dog but one that needs to be constantly working. They are supposed to be fantastic herders as well. And their master needs to a strong leader. With your dog training experience, it sounds like this is right up your alley!

Ron, here's a photo I found on-line:

It also looks like they can be a solid color as well ... black or brown. But it also says that this kind of dog is widely available in Australia, but hard to find in the US. Here's one site that I found that listed breeders:

Let us know what you find, Sydney!
Ron Posted - Sep 30 2015 : 05:15:13 AM
Never heard of that type of a picture if you find one.....they any good at what they do ?