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T O P I C    R E V I E W
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 12 2018 : 1:13:23 PM
Is there any point in washing windows when you turn around and see the barn cats on the window ledge with their little noses smearing my clean window?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Apr 13 2018 : 05:51:29 AM
I, too, am eyeing Janet's sweet flowers, but I guess my nose isn't on the window.

I still have bird poo splatters (barn swallows) all over the outside of the window I look out with my binoculars to watch my cows. I've merely learned where I can get a clear view without looking at poo close-up.

Windows. It could be my new full-time job if they had their way.
CloversMum Posted - Apr 12 2018 : 9:26:37 PM
Perhaps the only reason to wash would be so that their cute little paw prints show up even more clearly?! Cute photo anyway!