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 Kunekunes and cows

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kadebg1988 Posted - Jul 11 2016 : 11:37:34 PM
Our Kunes are amazing pigs and love being with the cows. I'm so addicted to this breed and they're delicious lol.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
hugho Posted - Jan 29 2018 : 09:49:24 AM
WE also raise these great pigs and have two wonderful breeding sows. They love all legumes especially our alfalfa, both green and hay.
Originally posted by kadebg1988

Our Kunes are amazing pigs and love being with the cows. I'm so addicted to this breed and they're delicious lol.

kadebg1988 Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 8:39:04 PM
Well thank you for the sweet compliment on our porkers, as with all our animals we strive to give the absolute best of the best care we can. Feed is number one, if you can't feed your animals properly they are not going to perform at their best. Just a plain and simple fact. I've spent tons of time perfecting our pasture situation and even though it's not 100% complete it suffices for our needs. Clover, alfalfa blend. Love sharing our critters with you all.
txbikergirl Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 3:58:51 PM
kade they are gorgeous. we have looked at kune kunes for years, just need proper pig fencing for them ;>

yours look super healthy. and so cute you could cuddle!