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 Goats are born! Yay!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 08:37:26 AM
My cousin is the one with the goats, she had two healthy kids born almost a week ago, one boy and one girl! She went out to the barn and was surprised to see her goat, Lydia, had kidded! At the same time, one of her other goats, Ula(I don't know how to spell it, but it is pronounced you-la) was in labor. The next day, my mom got a call from her saying it was a breech birth and to come help immediately! They had called their vet, but everyone was in surgery. I had to stay at home, until I got a call from our vet, I didn't know what was happening, so I had to go to my cousin's house(only 1/2 mile away), when I got to the barn, Ula had delivered two boys, they(my mom, cousin, and her mom) tried to save them, but they were both dead. My cousin was in tears so I walked with her to go get the antibiotics for Ula and we talked, she calmed down and was very glad that Ula was safe. They felt to see if there was any other kids, but felt none. Later that day, we got a call saying she had another one, a girl who just didn't look right, we had no idea where it was, neither of them had felt anything. It was already dead. Ula got to go in a pen with Lydia and her kids, she started eating and drinking and is doing great! She is getting milked and is acting like herself!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 23 2016 : 09:21:49 AM
She has Nubians.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 14 2016 : 5:00:50 PM
Some goat deliveries go without a hitch and others aren't so easy ... sorry to hear of all the troubles, but super glad the mama does are doing well. Glad that Ula is getting antibiotics ... one of our does had antibiotics as well. I give it to them anytime I need to go inside the uterus during birthing. It's amazing how resilient goats can be and how fast they recover! Enjoy those little goat kids though!

What breed of goats does your cousin have?