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maryjane Posted - Feb 01 2016 : 4:23:08 PM

25 inches from inside of cotton strapping to inside of cotton strapping, front to back.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Feb 03 2016 : 5:22:29 PM
I can see a few members of my family & extended family (NOT mentioning names, of course) who would die of embarrassment trying to explain what this was and to try to put it on one of our cows! Hubby would shake his head and might even make a request against it's use. Other's would just shake their heads and think I had completely lost it.
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 8:07:35 PM
Who comes up with these things?

Just cow-crazy people! ;)
CloversMum Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 7:40:08 PM
Yes, we cow crazy people has some strange ideas, eh?!
txbikergirl Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 5:06:49 PM
i laugh every time i see this thread as it is one of those things that almost seems a joke ;>

we cow crazy people are just nutters!
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 1:13:21 PM
MaryJane and I were discussing the udder support on chatroom, Jan. 20. The main reason I was looking into them was for warmth, prevention of nursing while Nellie's teat healed, and for weaning. I will be trying it soon. Not sure it will work, however, but they do mention under the description of the product that they do use it for weaning as well as other uses. My only concern is how dirty the bag will get, so may sew some sort of protective cover for the mesh bag. Don't know yet.
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 11:35:43 AM
That is a great idea, Charlene. I would get one if it works.
CloversMum Posted - Feb 02 2016 : 10:48:21 AM
MaryJane, who are you planning on using this on? I'm wondering if you could use it during weaning? Do you think the material would hold up to a calve constantly trying to nurse through it?
Sydney2015 Posted - Feb 01 2016 : 7:26:30 PM
Thank you! This is helpful.
NellieBelle Posted - Feb 01 2016 : 4:49:17 PM
Thank you MaryJane, and your helper also. I will order the small.