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 Suffolk Ladies Boot of England

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NellieBelle Posted - Dec 26 2014 : 12:35:07 PM
I was reading about the Suffolk Ladies boots of England in your book MaryJane, and they look like quality boots, but I am unable to find them. I checked out the Back in the Saddle site, but they evidently don't have them any longer. Do you know where I might find them?
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - May 11 2015 : 9:02:13 PM
So, Ron, does that mean that you got some rain if you are discovering leaky boots? Sure hope so for you!!
NellieBelle Posted - May 11 2015 : 11:44:55 AM
I ordered mine from One pair from them and one pair I bought off of eBay.
Ron Posted - May 11 2015 : 10:13:28 AM
Hey Janet, where did you get your Tuffa boots from.mmy Boggs finally started leaking after 3 seasons....can't handle a leaky boot.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 5:37:53 PM
Alright Ron, got me there. This ole timer is heading for bed. Have a nice evening.
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 5:19:54 PM
I never wore a dress that short.:)
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 5:18:19 PM
She'd freeze her buns off. I can't believe we dressed like that back then. Good grief. It definitely wasn't work clothes. Needed our heads examined. I wear dresses clear to the floor now, shawl, bloomers and camisole. Lot more comfortable than the get up she has on.
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 4:53:00 PM
I am sure...couldn't see Her heading to the barn in that getup...cow would turn and run
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 4:47:28 PM
Mine are even more practical and comfortable than Nancy's. LOL.
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 4:32:08 PM
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 2:14:19 PM
Thanks Janet! Walnuts! Yum, do they grow local out there too?
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 1:44:20 PM
Ron, I emailed you all the sites that I could locate the boots. The site has the boots alright but the shipping makes them pretty pricey. But in my case where it's hard to find a good boot that my foot can get into it's worth it for me. Hope you find something that works.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 1:13:52 PM
I'm smiling as I read your post MaryJane. Nick will be wore out before long. That's a lot of walnut meats. Good fun. Ron, I will email you the link to the boots. If I remember there was a size 10 mens.
maryjane Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 1:07:58 PM
The girls are sitting on the floor in the kitchen playing Old Maid (thank you Janet) and hubby is cracking walnuts and feeding them to the girls as fast as they can eat them (and I'm sneaking a few too). It's all good!
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 1:05:29 PM
Lol, kids...that sounds like so much fun! And thst cat of yours, hope he never talks to mine, it would ruin them!

What is the eBay link Janet? I wear about a nine and a half to ten wide I guess it ain't too hard to figure out size conversion?

So now we went from bad ass to dumb ass? Oh how us mighty have fallen....🐮
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 12:22:41 PM
Oh how wonderful. It sounds like the perfect StayOver. I sure hope you all have the best time ever. How sweet of Mia, I will treasure that little card. How cute that Jasper gets in on the fun too. And why not, he's family. Some of my most cherished memories were staying and doing things with my grandma and pa. I hope to do that for my grandchildren if ever we should have any. But until then I will enjoy my husband and son. Now go have some fun already. Thank you, MJ
maryjane Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 12:01:11 PM
Also Janet, hubby just left for to town to fetch our grandgirls for a StayOver. We've saved some gifts (books/Crazy 8s) to enjoy out here. Mia made a "Janet" card already.

And there's one unwrapped present. On Christmas day Stella handed me a gift for Jasper and told me to wait to have him open it until they were here with him.
maryjane Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 11:55:31 AM
It just makes my day Janet to hear how much you love your boots!
maryjane Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 11:50:57 AM
No, did I?

Now we're headin' into dumb mass territory:)

When hubby and I went to Home Depot a couple of days ago, you get there by driving down a little side street through what once was probably a quiet neighborhood. One of the yards had a huge homemade sign that said, SLOW DOWN DUMB ASS. So for two days now we've been saying dumb mass this and dumb mass that.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 11:48:58 AM
I'm back from the city. Guess what I wore. Nothing like trying the boots out. I absolutely love these boots. I can't believe I can just put them on and go. Comfortable and such nice craftsmanship. They really are a "bad ass" boot. Yes Ron, I think you mentioned that. :) Thanks so much MaryJane for the information in your book. Even with my fused foot I can get it in and out no problem. Yap, I'm in love! And thank you again for the accessories MaryJane, so thoughtful, can't wait. I don't know what size you wear Ron but there were some larger sizes on eBay. It saves on shipping. I got free shipping with the ones I bought, plus I offered a lower price and they accepted it. I did good!
Ron Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 11:20:00 AM
Did I mention they look bad ass? :)
maryjane Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 10:19:26 AM
No fair! eBay? I didn't think to look there, and a 37 none-the-less.

Your box of Suffolk accessories is shipping out UPS today. I had fun pampering your feet with all the things I love.

Glad you like them. I couldn't be without mine. I got so tired of those heavy rubber boots that made my feet tired and clunky snow boots, etc. I like that I can wear them year-round. Me and my Suffolks, we have a total love affair going. Same thing with Meg. She loves hers. Bad ass Janet.
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 29 2014 : 09:29:23 AM
MaryJane, you did it again! I know it's not about cows, but my first pair of Suffolk boots arrived today and they fit perfect and I love them. I thought I had better buy two pair in case, like you say they stop making them. I bought one pair from Tuffaboots, UK and then a pair on Ebay that were size 37, brand new, so a win, win again!
Ron Posted - Dec 27 2014 : 12:07:34 PM
Yes Ma'am !
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 27 2014 : 11:02:58 AM
Nothing better than a stylish, sturdy, boot for the barn and elsewhere. A win, win.
Ron Posted - Dec 27 2014 : 09:55:33 AM
Lol..actually I think I stole Megan's line. :)