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 Halloumi cheese.

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NellieBelle Posted - Apr 03 2016 : 1:03:30 PM
MaryJane, have you or Ashley either one experimented with making Halloumi cheese. I came upon an article and it says it may be grilled and it's a semi-soft cheese. Just curious. It also said it could be cubed and fried until browned as it won't melt. An interesting side dish perhaps. Where we have fresh milk, it may be fun to try. Especially over the summer, grilled cheese with fresh tomatoes and peppers, yum!
16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ashley Posted - Apr 15 2016 : 09:55:39 AM
I tried some of the smoked cheese, and the smoky flavor was good, but the cheese was still lackluster in my opinion. I haven't made it to the store yet to see if I can find some Halloumi, but maybe this weekend. I'm making a big batch of mozzarella right now--just about ready to heat the curds and stretch them (my favorite part!)

Charlene, the classes slipped off my radar, but I'll have to give it some thought. Do you have specific cheeses you want to learn to make, or are you thinking more of a general process type class?
CloversMum Posted - Apr 13 2016 : 7:39:16 PM
Well, scratch this one off my list for now, I do believe. :)

Ashley, are you still considering offering a cheesemaking class this summer? (As if you just need one more thing to do!)
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 13 2016 : 10:44:13 AM
That is a good idea. I've never had Halloumi cheese before so nothing to compare it to. I doubt I will find any organic cheese around this area, so may have to bite the bullet and try some standard store bought. :( Let me know what you find. I don't think it will be my "go to cheese."
Ashley Posted - Apr 13 2016 : 09:59:45 AM
I haven't tried it smoked just yet, but did find the curds bland as I was making it. I think adding some yogurt or buttermilk to the recipe would definitely help the flavor. I can't say that I've ever had Halloumi cheese before this batch, so I'm not sure if the cheese is supposed to be as squeaky as the cheese we made. Now I'm kind of curious to try some store-bought Halloumi just for comparison.
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 3:33:57 PM
About the same shape but I added spices and you had Nick smoke it. If I get a chance tomorrow or Thurs. I will try it on the kabobs and grill it to see if I like it better. Yes, it definitely squeaks when chewing it.
maryjane Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 10:58:26 AM
The smoking reduced its size rather significantly and the flavor was definitely "perfectly smoked" like a smoked gouda or something and the texture was very good (thank you Nick for taking the time to use some nice dry fruit-wood shavings). However, it was even more squeaky. After I'd swallowed it my mouth continued to squeak. It was hilarious. And its presentation unsliced looked a little suspect. I mean, WHAT is this thing, right?

NellieBelle Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 10:40:47 AM
Thank you Ashley for your experience making the Halloumi cheese. Like you, I felt it was a bit time consuming for a fresh cheese and no more than what you get. I tried some dried spices with the salt and the flavor was okay, but I found mine was a bit rubbery like MaryJane mentioned. It will definitely hold together on a kabob. But that's about all I would use it for. I am anxious to hear how you personally liked/disliked it, and also, your thoughts about it after Nick smokes some. Thanks again Ashley for giving it a go.
Ashley Posted - Apr 12 2016 : 10:01:27 AM
The recipe was pretty simple to make. It was slightly time consuming for a fresh cheese, but as with most cheese recipes, there is a lot of down time. There is no specific pressing weight or mold in the recipe, but I used one of the molds we use for feta and an 8-oz wide mouth canning jar filled with water (it weighed just shy of 15 ozs). This is what it looked like after pressing, just before you put it in the hot whey to melt it (the part that makes it extra squeaky).
When you make the whey ricotta, I would recommend adding the optional cup of milk. I didn't and it made maybe 1 1/2 T of ricotta. I happened to be making mozzarella at the same time, so I just wrapped some mozzarella around it, and had a tasty snack. :)
CloversMum Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 10:12:04 PM
Oh my, a cheese that can use up goat milk and one for beginners!! Right up my alley ...

I have a few gallons of goat milk currently in my fridge so perhaps...

I even printed off the recipe. :) That's a start. How long did it take to make it?
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 7:36:19 PM
Oh that sounds tasty. Okay, I will hopefully get to it tomorrow. Thank you again!
maryjane Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 6:47:45 PM
She used the recipe you cited. Nick is going to put some slices in his smoker that he smokes his fish in. Yum.
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 6:41:45 PM
Sounds promising. Did Ashley use the recipe from above or did she use another? I hope to try it soon. Maybe tomorrow. Thank you MaryJane, and thank you Ashley. I'm wondering how it will work on kabobs when grilling.
maryjane Posted - Apr 08 2016 : 3:33:06 PM
Ashley made Halloumi cheese this morning and I just gave it a taste. It holds together very well; its flavor is mild and good--like a mild ricotta. It's definitely the squeakiest cheese I've ever eaten. Squeak, squeak with every chew. I think for something like grilling it would take on flavors very well, like tofu does, and probably lose its squeak. It's a great cheese for a beginner.

txbikergirl Posted - Apr 03 2016 : 6:44:59 PM
it sounds really good. can't wait to see who makes it and what you think.
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 03 2016 : 5:25:27 PM
I think so, if I get a minute to look the recipe over and see what's needed. I should have everything here. I see where it's usually made with goat milk, so there may be a nice way for Charlene to try using up some goat milk. Grilled cheese sounds delightful to me.
maryjane Posted - Apr 03 2016 : 4:28:41 PM
This sounds delicious--new cheese to try! Are you going to try it?