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 Cinnamon Roll Swirl Cake.

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NellieBelle Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 09:15:16 AM
This recipe was on a friend's Facebook page and they really bragged it up so I had to try it to see if it was as good as all the hype. I was delighted. That's 1+1/2 cups of milk.
13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Mar 05 2016 : 10:42:36 PM
The cake is already gone here! I went to get a small piece after a long goat kidding day today and discovered it had been devoured already! Definitely a repeat recipe. Thank you, Janet.
maryjane Posted - Mar 05 2016 : 10:01:58 AM
I'm thinking it's a good thing Ashley didn't get one made on Friday, given it's so rainy and cold today and it would go so well with a late cup of coffee, or several.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 05 2016 : 08:24:17 AM

The final product, so delicious! Definitely only make when others are around so you aren't tempted to eat more than you should.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 5:15:06 PM
Guess what I have in the oven right at this moment?! We will see if it turns out ... but I tell you, the Cinnamon Swirl cake smells delicious as it is baking.
CloversMum Posted - Mar 04 2016 : 1:18:35 PM
We are having company this weekend, so this is on the menu. From the comments above it looks like a good one for company so all will be eaten! And it won't be by me. :) Thank you for sharing Janet.
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 6:03:43 PM
thanks janet. if i can get the time i'll make it, and put half of it in the freezer vacumn packed for another day. we are bad about sweets, if they exist on the counter or cupboard we will consume them... but out of sight out of mind !
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 5:53:51 PM
Let me put it this way, there are a couple of pieces left. It's a keeper, but I probably won't make it that often, because we would eat it. ;)
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 5:09:38 PM
so its a winner? i will try to find time to make this on the weekend. i am a sucker for anything cinnamon.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 3:22:05 PM
I was afraid it would be a gooey mess with all that butter, but the cake is nice, not gooey at all, and the crumbling on top is really nice. It reminds me of a bundt coffee cake, but not in the bundt cake pan.
Ashley Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 2:52:55 PM
Oh, yum! It looks like a big fritter!
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 10:24:10 AM
Oh, I chopped up a few pecans and added them in the topping.
txbikergirl Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 10:17:49 AM
oh my, its even a quick bread! let us know mary jane, i could almost be convinced to whip this up tonight ;>
maryjane Posted - Mar 03 2016 : 10:08:15 AM
Yummo. Ashley and me, we're on it!