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 Sir Charles Hoof Trim

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 10:02:53 AM
Bubba Charlie did very well yesterday with his hoof trim, annual vaccinations, and trich test. And trailer loading--didn't blink an eye. What guy wouldn't be sorta okay with several young female attendants?

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Oct 17 2015 : 09:17:05 AM
When we couldn't get him loaded (Ethan can tell you how frustrating that was), Dr. Pearson suggested we park the trailer in his pasture and feed him in it for a week or so. It worked. He doesn't even need food to be encouraged to go in. And he was really well-behaved while at WSU.

I'm still trying to find a way to collect Samson again for sexed semen but the politics of it are frustrating. I might have to hop on a plane and plant myself on someone's doorstep with a sleeping bag. Rose Etta is carrying a bull also that I'll probably keep for breeding.
CloversMum Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 8:03:27 PM
So he decided that the trailer was an ok thing after all? Good boy. And it looks like he continued with his charm and good behavior at the vet. So many sweet women ... good grief, wouldn't we humans like this much attention when we visit the doctor? Another big "like" for the WSU vet school!
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 16 2015 : 12:47:52 PM
Seems like Sir Charles is soaking it all up. :) Thankful all went smoothly. Just the way we like it.