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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CloversMum Posted - Apr 25 2015 : 5:05:04 PM
Back when we first got Betsy in February, we had a vet come out and give Betsy her vaccines and the vet banded her horns at that time. I was told that it would take about three weeks but Betsy's little horns would come off on their own. Fast wasn't until the end of March when the first horn came off! I was very concerned about the other horn and figured we would need to take her in to WSU vet hospital to get it removed. I just didn't want to stress out Betsy doing that but having horns on our farm is just not safe. Well, I'm so happy to be able to say that Betsy's other horn fell off this week!! One afternoon it was there and the next day it was gone! The bands worked, although slowly, and the sites look great... Her hair is curly and just curls right over her forehead and the sites of the horns...she is beautiful!
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CloversMum Posted - Apr 25 2015 : 8:50:29 PM
That must be it, Ron. Truly, one can hardly tell where Betsy's horns were...the bands just took them right off at the base. I know from my goats that scurs can develop or if you don't burn just right there could be a larger bump or lump. I'm impressed with these bands; although, the waiting was not fun for me...but no discomfort after the first hour for Betsy. The vet duct-taped around the bands and then made a figure-eight from horn to horn...we said Betsy had a "Duct tape crown". That came off with the first horn bud.

Ron, I look at her every day and think how beautiful Betsy is...I'm so grateful to you! She and Clover make such a striking pair out in my pasture.

Ron Posted - Apr 25 2015 : 5:06:49 PM
Just like her mommy...can hardly tell she ever had them...