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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Mar 12 2015 : 09:37:53 AM
It's ideal to get horns removed before fly season. Just make sure that whoever does it numbs the area first and is good at getting them adequately burned off (requires attention to detail), otherwise you'll end up with scurs (stunted horns) that are problematic because they aren't completely hooked on all the way around but continue to grow somewhat.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 12 2015 : 12:07:53 PM
She is 2 months.
maryjane Posted - Mar 12 2015 : 10:07:52 AM
How old is she again?
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 12 2015 : 09:49:04 AM
MaryJane, when do you think AppleButter will be old enough to get her dehorned?