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 Horns when do you know

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
chives Posted - Oct 23 2014 : 8:47:58 PM
At what age does a calf get horns? Is it different ages? Little Annie will be three months on the 27th and I have not felt anything. Vicki
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 10:45:58 AM
Just thought I would let you know that Autumn Cider is only two weeks old and his little horn nubbins are up and it will be a couple/three weeks yet and we will have them removed along with the other surgical procedure that poor little bull calves have to go through. I dread it. At least it will be cool and I won't have to worry about flies.
CloversMum Posted - Oct 27 2014 : 09:02:49 AM
And, if you go buy a lottery ticket...maybe you should buy one for the rest of us too! :-)

So nice not to have to dehorn her! Half of my goat kids this year were naturally polled and I loved not having to go through the dehorning process.
chives Posted - Oct 26 2014 : 2:19:32 PM
Sounds like I won't have to worry about de horning her. Wahoo. I was a bit nervous about it. That has to hurt, maybe I will get a lottery ticket. Vicki
maryjane Posted - Oct 25 2014 : 06:29:19 AM
With that kind of luck you better go pick up a lottery ticket.
Ron Posted - Oct 25 2014 : 04:45:09 AM
Looks like maybe you will not have to deal with it. :)
chives Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 10:26:09 PM

The dad had horns. The mom did not have them. She said it would be 50/50. Vicki
maryjane Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 04:37:13 AM
Hi Vicki,
On mine that are genetically predisposed to horns, they've always made their presence known before three months.
Ron Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 04:31:41 AM
No Vicki. Should be feeling some little nubs by now. Did mom or dad have horns?
NellieBelle Posted - Oct 24 2014 : 04:16:42 AM
I can only give you information on my own experience here. All of the calves I've had that developed horns, I noticed them at 3-5 weeks old and had them removed early on. Or at least when you could notice them. I felt them first. Hard little nubbins. I don't care to go through the dehorning process but if they have them, well here, we have them removed. I'm sure there are others on the chatroom that could give you answers to your question.