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NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 08:50:32 AM
Pumpkin Moonshine's dehorned areas are looking good and dry. And thankfully it's cooled off, so maybe there will be fewer pesky flies to contend with.
19   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ron Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 12:18:28 PM
Other than the fact that any goods and services are a pretty far drive it is a great place. Have the starts for my produce business as well. Want to grow some veggies for sale at the garden stand I have yet to project. Sometimes I think I need to put my brain in a younger body. :)
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 12:05:49 PM
It sounds like a good place to raise dairy cows!
Ron Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 10:32:11 AM
Uuugghhh... That was one of the things I looked for when moving to this area. Did not want to be near cell phone towers, spray happy neighbors, wanted a good well and septic and being it is reservation really no ordinances to follow. I guess I need to stop and count my blessings, don't I Janet.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 10:25:30 AM
We're surrounded by crop fields. We rent our land out and the farmer who farms it did change to some sprays that were suppose to be less harmful to my grapes, but there is land on two other side where farmer's don't give a flying fruit fly what they use or what it harms as long as they get their beans and corn sprayed. Things really need to change. For the sake of bees too.
Ron Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 10:17:55 AM
Elaine was a wine maker when She still had some mobility. I think if She could get it in a bottle She would make wine out of never really had a taste for wine or even beer. Always preferred a tall glass of chocolate milk! Anyway thanks for the offer to help on the bee keeping. Always wanted to put some by the garden and let them thrive. I was told the man that used to live here raised bees and sold honey,so they should do ok. Hardly anyone around here sprays much at all and what few crops are here are usually not gmo. It all costs money and most do not have it spend so they save seed or go conventional.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 09:50:54 AM
Love the name of your farm. I do sell some honey occasionally. Most the time I give it to family and friends and of course I use it. I love my bees. I keep relatively busy, ha! I will share any information I can with you. Lot of good web sites that show you just how to get your hive started and to care for. I don't use any chemicals. Hardly use my smoker. And I usually by Hygienic bees. Less susceptible to disease and mites. Haven't had any trouble yet. Now if we can get the farmers to cut back on their spraying etc. LOL. That will be the day. That's what pretty much did my vineyard in. Farmer's and their spray, plus two year drought. I still have enough for us and wildlife. I've got enough wine to last my lifetime anyway. Not a big wine drinker anymore. ( maybe a little with some cheese now) But I enjoyed it when I did do it. Lot of work.
Ron Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 07:29:18 AM
Wow! Bees! I have been wanting/needing a beehive for a while but do not have a clue where to start. Maybe you can get me on the right track if you willing to share? I did not know you were into so much. Do you sell any of your products?
Also as far as farm names, ours here is Prairie Wind Song Farm. :)
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 06:59:29 AM
I think it's great. I love Elaine's choice of name, Betsy for a cow. I usually have to wait until I see their personalities before I name. Sometimes the name you think you want to use, just doesn't fit the animal. We call this place, Prairie Nectar Farm. I have Prairie Nectar Vineyard, Prairie Nectar Apiary, Prairie Nectar Dairy, etc. I put Prairie Nectar on my honey labels, wine labels and now my Cheese labels. Prairie Rose for a heifer may work! But good ole Bessie, Hattie or others may work too. Have to wait and see.
Ron Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 06:03:23 AM
One way or another nine times out of ten they have to grow into a name unless they come named. Do not ask me where Elaine came up with the name Betsy for the new calf but She figured that sounded like a milk cow name. I was going for some thing more exotic but figured happy wife happy life and now we have
The people at the American Guernsey always roll their eyes when we send in registration papers I am sure. All the breeders have these long drawn out pedigree names and here come the prairie billies from South Dakota with a name like Harriet or Speckles now Betsy. And Angelo the bull name tossed them for a loop.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 8:09:04 PM
Naming our animals is one of the fun parts of a new animal arrival. I've been thinking about names for Sienna's calf and it's not even here yet. I had Italian name "Bella" for a cat, but she is no longer with us.
Ron Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 7:46:14 PM
I also have klaus the cat. Do not ask me how that happened. Some of the names that stick to critters around here. Had Martha the Jersey mix cow and then Speckles the Guernsey cow and then Angelo the bull. ( Elaine insisted on an Italian name )
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 7:15:30 PM
Nope, Can't match up that one.
Ron Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 6:34:25 PM
Now how strange is that. I know one you can not match up. We have a large LGD called Beau. Lol. We have given Him the title of chief of police of a Glad Valley.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 6:16:21 PM
I'm getting a kick out of your cows/bulls names. Your momma cow, Harriett. My mother's name was Harriett. And you talked about a breeding bull named Rocky. I have a brother named Rockey. Life is funny at times.
Ron Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 12:17:53 PM
Yep...I am in it for the milk and have my cows be my friends.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 12:01:47 PM
Yes, I guess the more marbling, the better the meat. More fat I guess makes a tastier meat. I'm like you folks, don't know much about it.
Ron Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 11:31:24 AM
Great idea. I know the last two calves before Betsy were bulls, Big Mac got sold with his Mom Martha to a rancher I know and are doing fine to this day and the last one Rocky went to a beef cow heard as a breeding bull. Some of the beef guys want to add dairy genetics to the heard. Something about marveling in the meat, above my head.
Just glad I did not have to do the deed. I would dread slaughtering something I know and would hate just dropping it of to have it done and walk away. I guess in that respect I am a real light weight.
NellieBelle Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 10:22:30 AM
Yes, each his own. This is a little bull calf and everyone told me to have him dehorned and castrated. Claim they get mean if you don't. Don't know, never had one to find out. I don't like to do it either. I'm not big on the castration or dehorning simply because I hate to see them have to go through it. Probably bothers me more than it does them. I can't keep him intact. Nellies calf. And the way things go for me, it's probably wise that I don't have a horned animal. I can still run, just not as fast. Ha! He will probably be a butcher calf. :( I get attached to my animals so it's hard. He will help me tell when Nellie and Sienna come in heat up until it's time for him to leave us.
Ron Posted - Sep 06 2014 : 10:07:13 AM
Uuugghhh a day I am not looking forward to. I always hate to have it done. Was almost thinking to leave this calf horned if I keep her. Just read an article in I think it was Acres mag that one dairy farmer leaves His horned. His quote was that he believes they give better milk with them, thought they acted like an antenna to bring in cosmic energy from the universe . I guess each to their own, right?