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 dna to find bloodlines?

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tcboweevil Posted - Jan 28 2015 : 6:00:16 PM
Maryjane, good evening. Can these genetic tests find my cows heritage even if I don't know the sires names? I've used registered semen for every breeding, but I never cared to keep records. I have used Jersey from 2004 until 2006. Guernsey in 2006 for 2 cows that gave me Daisy and CC (big, beautiful milkers), back to Jersey and Miniature Jersey. This semen was because my AI tech bred her cows with with these various semens and I bought straws from her. When my cows had a heifer, I chose to keep her or sell her, but I always handled her as if I were keeping her. I always wanted a good family milk cow. Now that I am retired, I have time to raise the kind of bloodlines I want. Do you have a game plan for newbies? I definitely want to keep my Ginger. She's the most bestest cow I have ever had. Her milk is almost yellow even in winter when she eats hay. Her cream level is perfect and she is small enough to keep her condition even on pasture. I do plan on registering her here if there is any breeding up program available here? Or maybe her calf. Please advise.
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Milkmaid Lorinda Posted - Nov 22 2015 : 4:30:38 PM
Wonderful! Thank you!
maryjane Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 7:34:36 PM
Yes, my SIL, Lucas, can help you with that. I'll have him get in touch with you on Monday or Tuesday and explain transfers, etc.
Milkmaid Lorinda Posted - Nov 20 2015 : 7:31:01 PM
I was looking into registering but I saw genetic testing, A2, & polled are part of the fees. I have already done those, plus Chondro, on my girls. Can I provide you a copy plus the VGL Case # at UC Davis for a waiver of that fee? I have five cows so the sum is substantial for us. That's a lot of hay! :-)
tcboweevil Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 07:06:49 AM
Thanks for the info AND the humor. Your plan is wonderful for future parentage.
maryjane Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 06:27:14 AM
More on the worth of genetic markers and its merit in keeping things "clean" and getting people to put their best foot forward.

I read about a gated community where most of the people who lived there had dogs. Consequently, there were rules about cleaning up after your dog, along with a strict leash law.

They continued to find the occasional treasure left behind in an elevator or someone's precious flower bed, so they made everyone get a genetic marker on their dog if they wanted to live there.

To find out who left said treasure, the grounds keepers would pop the prize into a plastic bag and send it off. Within no time at all, no one ever left a mess again.
maryjane Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 05:44:07 AM
Good morning Theresa and Mike. When a DNA test is done, you can get what's called a genetic marker. We do that on all the animals in our registry. That means their DNA is forever on file at the UC Davis, kind of like human finger prints on file. Unfortunately there isn't a grand data base on cows like the FBI has access to in TV shows (even so human fingerprints found at a crime scene have to be matched with someone who has had their finger prints taken and put on file for one reason or another, like with people who have a concealed weapons permit). All in good time, however. I'm cooking on the 100 year plan here.

Additionally, we get a milk protein test and a test for horns. On some of my animals (my Riverview bulls), I've also had a dwarfism test conducted (can be a problem with Dexters--mine didn't have it). On Samson I had a couple of other tests done with regards to cheese and milk production.

Unless the owners of the parents of your gal had a genetic marker taken on them, you wouldn't be able to back track. (If you had names of the semen used and someone had taken a genetic marker on them, you might be able to.)

The purpose for us as a long-term registry in getting genetic markers is to be able to stamp "parent verified" on certificates. In just two generations, I have most of my animals now in that category because I have genetic markers on two generations. It's important going forward because not all breeders tell you what really is. Someone could breed an Angus bull with their cow and when it came time to sell the calf, tell people they used Samson semen. Some registries have even gone so far as to put such nonsense on paper. If you wondered about whether or not a calf you were considering buying was a Samson calf, you could grab a few tail hairs, send them off and for $25, you'd know for sure.

I also like a genetic marker because sometimes when I'm wanting to make sure I have someone pregnant I'll double up. With the calf Maizy would have had March 30, I wouldn't know who the sire was until I sent in some tail hairs from its tail because I had her with Beau Vine for several days leading up to her heat and during the first day of her heat (lots of activity) and then I walked her over to be with Samson. She stood for him immediately--before I could even unlatch the lead rope! Basically, I couldn't decide what I wanted, so I thought I'd let the best man win.

If I haven't answered all your questions, let me know. I also want to write up what keeping a bull entails vs. AI for you, Theresa. Soon!
tcboweevil Posted - Jan 30 2015 : 04:27:23 AM
Size and temperament is a big deal for a family cow. Beautiful udders are a plus too.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 29 2015 : 9:04:18 PM
My papers say under "Parentage Analysis": Meadowlark Heritage Clover could not be parent verified. But I think that had to do with the fact that I had no records of her parents; but, I could be wrong. It also gives the "Milk Protein DNA Test Results" (A1 or A2) and "Polled Test Results". I was interested to see what her milk protein DNA results were and she is A1/A2.

To be honest, it doesn't matter to me to be able to trace back bloodlines as there seems to be differing opinions on Jersey heritage anyway. I just know that Clover is a beautiful Jersey, mama was a Jersey from a dairy who was AI'd with a Jersey bull, perfect size for me, was easy to breed (didn't take to AI but was bred first try live mount), regular heat cycles, and she is just a sweet affectionate girl. I don't know yet about her milk production; however, her mother was a big producer but was a bigger cow than Clover.

tcboweevil Posted - Jan 29 2015 : 8:14:43 PM
Thank you. Did your tests reveal anything about her heritage? Can you trace her back to the Isle of Jersey bloodline? Anything surprising?
CloversMum Posted - Jan 29 2015 : 7:29:28 PM
I don't have the answer for you; however, my Clover is registered as MaryJane said the registration has to start somewhere. (I had very little idea of Clover's background and nothing to show on paper.) So Clover is registered now and I have genetic tests completed for her. I hope to always breed her to a registered Jersey so all of her offspring will have a traceable record.

I think you should register Ginger with the Heritage Jersey cattle registry!