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 slight gel with CMT

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RainierRidgeRanch Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 5:57:00 PM
I am getting a very slight trace of gel with my newly freshened cow. She is a week fresh today. It's not in all quarters, mainly front and back left side but it changes daily it seems. I have been giving her Vit. C and probiotic powder with her grain. Should I be worried or do anything else for her? I want to head off any potential problems if at all possible.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 9:21:50 PM
I agree with Reverence about the gelling at this point, especially given the edema. And it seems like you're doing right by her udder by milking 2x/day and bottle feeding the calf. Lucky cow to have you in charge of her udder health.
RainierRidgeRanch Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 8:22:09 PM
She doesn't have any other symptoms. We are bottle feeding the calf mama's milk and I am milking twice a day right now but plan to shift to once a day by the end of the month. She was really engorged and lots of edema at first so twice a day seemed like the best choice.
Reverence Posted - Jun 06 2016 : 6:11:19 PM
IMO, a slight gel one week fresh is not something to worry about at all unless you see other symptoms. After two weeks, you'll get a more accurate CMT result. If you are concerned, I would just keep making sure those quarters are milked out entirely daily (or more often, if need be). Is the calf on full time, or do you separate?