T O P I C R E V I E W |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 09 2015 : 4:21:11 PM I went down to check on everyone and found Maizy down. She won't get up. She's two and a half months away from calving. The vet is on his way. I'll keep you informed.
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 13 2015 : 04:39:18 AM Any improvement this morning with Maizy, MaryJane? |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 8:19:29 PM Flax
http://www.agmrc.org/media/cms/as1283_E9EE897D14437.pdf |
CloversMum |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 8:11:20 PM Poor Maizy girl. Hoping she continues to improve and starts to drink some water. This is so great to see everyone help with their experiences. What a great group! |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 6:34:18 PM You are welcome Vicky. If you go to you tube there are videos on just about any topic about animals. Some are better than others but it has been my go to for years being there ain't much help in these parts and I never knew what I was doing as I did it. Just dove in with a prayer on my lips and a you tube video under my belt. As the old saying goes, no I am not a veterinarian but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night! |
chives |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 6:15:53 PM Ron, this is great. Thank you for that. |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 6:05:29 PM http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q_b98iTNac
Here you go Vicky |
chives |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 5:41:31 PM Poor Maizy. I know your doing everything for her. She will get better. I wish someone had classes on how to use a bolus gun and how to put water in a cow with a hose. My thoughts are with you and Maizy. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 5:06:15 PM Poor Maizy. I'm at a loss. I was reading about ammonium chloride salts to feed dairy cows during the weeks before calving to prevent milk fever. (I think I will get me a vet and keep him in the cabin 24/7.) So many things to think about. Goodness MaryJane, my heart goes out to you. You know me, take deep cleansing breaths. You know I'm thinking about you and Maizy girl. I just want her better. |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 5:04:26 PM Oh boy! I have seen happier faces. Wish I was nearby would be there to lend a hand in a heartbeat! We will all be there in thought pulling for you guys and your loving Cow! |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 4:48:29 PM Maizy in our makeshift headlock.
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 4:25:43 PM Agreed. That's where I would be at this point and what Randy a Knapp told me as well. Tube the liquid to keep the rumen working. I was always scared on account there is no one here but me and I am thinking it would be good to at least have 2 people there and at least one who knows what they are doing. ( that's been my problem) |
Mike |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 4:24:12 PM I went over a lot of references and looked at magnesium in particular, no problem if it's a bit high.
WATER.... need good soopy poopy, not chunky. You might have to don your AI mittens and go prospecting to clean out the chunks. I have seen that done to clear obstructions and get things going.
Tubing in water works, just make sure you have the right hole, but you know how to do that.
Prayers and good feelings heading out......now!! |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 3:35:56 PM My sighing has stopped. The juvenile ref. ranges aren't terribly different. I think at this point all I want to do is get some water down her, even if I have to tube it down and then no more calcium. I just want her to rest. |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 3:13:29 PM Wow, agonizing to say the least. So good to have decent vet care at your fingertips! Even more frustrating when you have to guess and fret over lack of experience ( me ) .
Jus make sure you drink lots of water and stop to use the restroom! Don't want cow and owner down. |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 3:03:25 PM So I've been pouring over everything from minerals to twisted guts regarding Maizy (she's still down and not drinking water and sighing a lot but I'm told cattle can go a few days without water). And she finally pooped a small amount, hard and dark.
I keep comparing everything I'm reading online to the analytic blood tests I had done on all my cattle last fall. In the blood sample taken last Friday, Maizy is only slightly below reference on calcium but high on magnesium. Calcium result was 7, reference is 7.8-10.5. Magnesium was 3.2, reference is 1.26-2.4 (high), Phosphorus was 4.2, reference is 4.3-7.9. And then I noticed what may have been the problem all along in my calculations.
Over on the far right on each of the Analytical Sciences Laboratory Certificate of Analysis I received from WSU last fall I noticed the word in small print "Juvenile" above the words, Approx. Ref. Range. So I called them just now. As it turns out, someone at WSU told the lab that all my animals where less than one year old. I'm waiting for a call back so I can get the ref. range for older animals. Obviously, that's going to make my animals low in some of the things I've been thinking they were good in all along.
I sound a whole lot like Maizy right now--inhale, exhale exasperated air, inhale ...
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 2:45:48 PM Hi Mike, No I don't have any poison on the premises. I use mouse traps as required in our food facility. I used to keep pellets in a couple of outbuildings that I didn't frequent enough to check traps, but when Jasper came here to live I discontinued that practice. |
Mike |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 09:51:51 AM Maryjane, is there any possibility that she got into some mouse poison pellets? A tube of charcoal might work wonders to clear her system of potentially poisonous goodies. Won't hurt and certainly provides a marker as to how fast her intestinal tract is working. |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 09:51:27 AM What a good Cow! If She is up She will drink. Funny how we get exited over a cow poop. They other day when Harriet pooped I almost jumped for joy. But I was froze to the ground. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 09:28:11 AM Well it's encouraging to hear she is getting up. I'm sure it's hard in a weakened state. Be anxious to hear what the vet recommends. Hope she continues to gain strength. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 08:56:05 AM Thanks for the update. Hopefully the vet will have a few more helpful suggestions or ideas.
Are you still dripping some water up near her nose so she uses her tongue to get a few water drops?
Way to go Maizy for getting up on her own this morning! And poop is good. A bit of progress, although drinking water would make everyone feel so much better! I can see it now... buckets of warm water, cool water, sweetened water, and electrolyte water. A water buffet just for Maizy. I sure hope she starts drinking. |
maryjane |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 08:39:38 AM Maizy got up this morning on her wobbly legs and was interested in some grass hay. She still hasn't drank any water since Saturday night but she did finally poop this morning. Progress, however slow. I'll be talking again with the vet shortly. I'm worried about how long a cow can go without drinking water. Every time I check on her I give her both a warm bucket and a cold bucket of water just in case she has a preference.
CloversMum |
Posted - Jan 12 2015 : 08:19:31 AM How is Maizy? And how are you doing, MaryJane?? |
chives |
Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 3:09:58 PM Maryjane, she is going to be just fine. Then you can let out a big whew!! I know she is going to pull through. |
Ron |
Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 11:47:37 AM Good we got to the bottom of it. The old girls be back on Her hooves before you know it. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Jan 10 2015 : 10:09:33 AM I'm guessing that's why the vet told me to pull back on the alfalfa a month or so before calving time. I will ask him the next time I talk to him. |