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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mike Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 11:26:50 AM
Aw nuts! My newest little bull calf looks like a moulting chicken. Ringworm strikes again. Haven't seen it for about five years, and then on some of our Mulefoot pigs in the winter time.

Iodine and time will heal it. Time will heal it without the iodine but at least the iodine makes me think I am doing something.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Sep 07 2014 : 8:59:24 PM
Yikes! That does not sound like fun. Do you have to be careful of the ringworm spreading from animal to animal?
maryjane Posted - Sep 05 2014 : 12:20:59 PM
Sorry. I hate that stuff. I've had it on my horses and my Great Pyrenees but never on my cows. Knock on wood.