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tracylea.henrie Posted - Jun 05 2016 : 3:28:36 PM
I am looking to have a cow tested for A2. Where would I have that done? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
maryjane Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 8:22:11 PM
Yes, Ginger, your cow could be registered with HJO as well as her calf. Once you've filled out the registration requirements, we will send you a hair sample kit with instructions. We'd love to have you join us!
NellieBelle Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 6:37:31 PM
Congratulations tracylea.henrie on getting your first family dairy cow! Do you have a name picked yet?
GingerBKelly Posted - Jul 12 2016 : 10:54:52 AM
This is exciting. I'd like to have my cow tested. So, all you need is a hair sample? Well well! I should have her registered too. Can they be registered at any age?
tracylea.henrie Posted - Jul 09 2016 : 8:33:59 PM
Thanks Mary Jane. It was for a cow that I was considering buying. So I went with UC Davis. They had the results back to me in the same week that the hair sample was sent in. So if anyone ever wonders about them, they seem to be on top of things!
By the way, she was A2/A2 and I will be picking her up this coming Tuesday!! Henrie Family Farms first dairy cow!! So excited!
maryjane Posted - Jun 05 2016 : 4:17:54 PM
We offer that service as part of an animal's registration. You can read more about that here: