T O P I C R E V I E W |
mustangsally |
Posted - Oct 13 2018 : 6:36:13 PM I am new to posting in fact my first chatroom posting ever anywhere , but have been reading and learning for a year now . I can not tell you how much this chatroom helped me with problems . I think I would have quit by now if I had not had this wonderful information to go to. Thanks to all who posted such helpful info. Also by the way I purchased ultimate e-z milker after reading here and I love it and will never use anything else . Thanks for all the info as was on the fence for a year wish I had purchased sooner. Sorry I do believe I posted in wrong category the first time ! |
10 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
mustangsally |
Posted - Oct 20 2018 : 6:21:33 PM Boots & Flipflops Thanks so much for sharing that is how I felt about chatting on line. This is a wonderful site as it is so nice how everyone shares their ideas. Its such a help as no one in my area has a cow and milks. So when I hear why would you want to do such a thing Lol its nice to know I am not alone in my desire to have a milk cow and all the wonderful products she supplies to the farm. My grandson thinks the ice cream is the best ! It was a toss up between ice cream and hot chocolate with whipped cream ! (That's because he said its getting cool) |
Boots&Flipflops |
Posted - Oct 19 2018 : 10:27:00 AM MustangSally,
Welcome to this wonderful site.
I too, started out like you. I did a lot of reading on here before I joined. Had never done online chatting of any type. Almost felt like I was eve's dropping.
Bought my first cow from MaryJane last fall, and have never looked back.
This is such a wonderful place to share and learn. Some days it is chit-chat, and other days there are issues that we hopefully all learn from.
You have a beautiful little gal there and hope you get lots of love and milk and cream and all the wonderful things she can provide.
Blessings and have a Wonderful Day |
maryjane |
Posted - Oct 19 2018 : 07:35:20 AM If you get around to cheese (I mean milk and cream tops my all-I-really-need list), we're here for questions should you have any. Happy milking! |
mustangsally |
Posted - Oct 17 2018 : 12:56:23 PM Little Buck was her second calf and I think she developed bad habits from the prior owners. But this year has been much better. I have had her two years now and the first year was quite a ride. Yes I agree whole hearted with you Mary Jane I have worked with a lot of horses in the last 40 years and its very nice when you bring the pail of milk to the house to make yogurt sour creme, hot cocoa, ect. my mind runs wild with what will I make ! I have a copy of your book Milk Cow Kitchen and I am wearing it out such a good book . Have not tried cheese yet I think it will be a very good winter time project since I am still milking but I have to study more I have never made cheese before . |
maryjane |
Posted - Oct 16 2018 : 03:12:15 AM Buttermilk is such a lovely-looking cow with her white markings and forehead patch. Happy to hear she finally calmed down. If Little Buck was her first calf, it does take some time and training before they get used to their role as a milk cow. It can be discouraging at times. But unlike the work that goes into training a horse, with a cow you end up with nutritious milk, cream, and cheeses in the end. Have you tried your hand at making cheese yet? |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Oct 16 2018 : 02:31:50 AM Nice looking bull calf, Little Buck. We don't usually have snow in October. But Iowa has a weather-mind all it's own. Today is to be near 60 I believe. So... Frostbite of the teats usually happens because the teat gets wet and in frigid temperatures poses a danger. One has to be diligent after milking to dry the teats good. I usually apply Dynamint after milking in the winter months, and rub it in best I can then take a clean cloth and be sure there is not extra left on, but there are other products that help to deter frostbite on the teats. I'm sure they've been mentioned elsewhere on a different thread here on the chatroom. Thanks for posting pictures, I enjoy seeing other folks dear cows/bulls. |
mustangsally |
Posted - Oct 15 2018 : 8:52:38 PM Thank you My milk cows name is Buttermilk. My daughter had a buckskin pony she showed called Buttermilk we kept her halter which had a brass nameplate on it and it fit her perfect and everyone started calling her buttermilk and it stuck. The bull calf is Little Buck he is a reg miniature jersey. We just sold him wish he had been a heifer as he had such a nice personality was hard to sell him but he got a great home . Wow that's a close tornado that would have been scary we have not had any snow yet I did not realize Iowa had snow this early. We too have sudden temp drops and the last couple of years more ice than snow which causes all kinds of problems. Is frostbite a problem when milking in extreme cold. She does not have a calf now will that make it easier ?
NellieBelle |
Posted - Oct 15 2018 : 07:28:58 AM Welcome MustangSally! Always nice to meet new members on the chatroom. Nice looking cows! Names? Are your winters mild or do you have plummeting cold spells? Here in Iowa the weather can change in a few minutes from one extreme to the other. Last week we had two tornadoes close by and this week 1.5" of snow with 30 degree temperatures. Nothing changes here much in the winter as far as milking other than I watch the cows teats for frostbite. There are different products to use if this could be a problem. I find it more so it there is a calf still nursing during winter months, otherwise not so much a problem. Nice to have you and look forward to hearing more about your cows and how you get along. |
mustangsally |
Posted - Oct 14 2018 : 2:31:00 PM Thank you for the warm welcome . We live on 80 acres and used to show and raise quarter horses for 35 years and when the children grew and our last horse passed she was 30 we missed having animals . A cow came to mind as unlike horses we would have milk and cream and butter lol . This fit our plan of retirement and being more self sufficient . When we got our cow the road was a little rocky as after she had her calf and I started to milk she would kick, but we finally after two milking summers are doing great. My Ai tech moved and I could not find one in time for a next spring calf it seems we do not have very many and most are in the larger towns. Would love some feedback on milking in the winter as I will most likely keep milking so I have fresh milk and its hard to quit when going so good . I have a small type Jersey who is doubled registered. Any advice would be great on milking in the winter . I have a good spot to milk in the horse barn so I am going to give it a try.
maryjane |
Posted - Oct 13 2018 : 8:40:08 PM Welcome mustangsally! So very pleased you finally joined us and glad to hear we've been of use. Don't hesitate to tell us about your cow(s). And happy to hear the EZ is working for you (and her). |