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maryjane Posted - Apr 29 2015 : 2:19:34 PM
In the bible of biodynamics (the compilation of Rudolf Steiner's 1924 lectures), his remedy for field mice is to take a fairly young field mouse, skin it and eat it.

No wait ... skin it and burn it when Venus is in the sign of Scorpio. "And there remains, in what is thus destroyed by the fire, the corresponding negative force as against the reproductive power of the field-mouse." Then you take the ashes and scatter them over the field. No more field mice.

In the Aug-Sept issue of my mag, look for an interesting article about biodynamic farming. We've left out Steiner's mouse control method, but did our best to demystify the whole process of biodynamic farming.

Rudolph Steiner, philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Apr 30 2015 : 9:48:23 PM
Oh, that picture gives me the shivers!! (Not Mr. Steiner, but rather MaryJane) What if that mouse had slipped out of your gloved hand??

We do need some more mouse control around outside...but I think I'll go with the traditional wooden mouse traps.
Ron Posted - Apr 29 2015 : 4:55:31 PM
The Mary Jane mousetrap? Literally....
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 29 2015 : 3:40:14 PM
I look forward to the article in Aug/Sept. issue MaryJane. Quite the fellow, Rudolph Steiner. I will try and do some reading up before your article comes out so I'm more familiar. Ya, I'll pass on the mouse control method. ;) Thank you!