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NellieBelle Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 10:53:14 AM
Well, the flies are showing up, and yes, I have seen some mosquitos. Neither are bothering the cows of yet. I'm going to mix up a fresh batch of MaryJane's insect repellent and also try the pennyroyal in the barn. So I have pennyroyal essential oil on it's way and when it comes I am going to try a mixture of pennyroyal and water and spray the barn to see if it really does repel the two pests mentioned above. I will keep you posted. May you be fly and mosquito free.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 9:18:35 PM
No, I've not used Witch Hazel. I love the smell of Tansy. It gives me deja vu of grandmothers garden. What I'm using now, (MaryJane's recipe) is working fine. I just added the Pennyroyal to repel mosquitoes and flies in the barn too. I've put straight pennyroyal essential oil on the boards around the stanchion. Makes the whole barn smell of it. We will see if it repels the flies and mosquitoes.
Mike Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 7:02:55 PM
A sprayer that hisses really sets my cows and horses on edge. A backpack sprayer with a nozzle that sprays a fan of droplets rather than mist is virtually noiseless and no one minds. Plus it puts a lot on quickly. Yup....stay upwind. Same with spreading manure......head INTO the wind. Don't ask......I was only 12.

I'll try the Pennyroyal too. Ever use Witch Hazel? Tansy is really good.
Ron Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 6:20:46 PM
Bull spraying 101 in Glad Valley. Attract bull with favorite feed by the fence line with wind to you back. Put down favorite treat by fence. Put sprayer on stream. While bull distracted soak neck and back.

Neighbor uses a them upwind
farmlife Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 2:40:47 PM
Elli is not a fan of fly spray, but I think it is because I've been using a spray bottle. Need to get a pressurized sprayer. That may help.
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 12:39:27 PM
It's odd but the flies bother Sienna more than the others. I wonder if the darker coat has something to do with it? Anyway, twice a day, and sometimes I look them over around noon. Today is the first they've really been a nuisance. But I know how aggravating a fly is when milking, I can't imagine them all over my body, biting. I can't wait for your new arrivals MaryJane. Please keep us in the know. Excited as all get out. Can you smell the lavender in your recipe or does the citronella win out?
maryjane Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 12:28:36 PM
Janet, I've been spraying my gals every day but today, the flies aren't as bad because of the rain and more on the way. But it sure does work. I have to try the Pennyroyal. Yesterday, I put citronella and lavender in my batch. I especially like to get under their bellies and in the folds of their udders where the black flies congregate. I haven't figured out how to spray my bulls though. My girls barely like it. I KNOW the bulls won't like it.

Just think, a week from now I'll have a Maggie Moo or a Sweet William (Beau Vine's mini-replacement).
NellieBelle Posted - Jun 01 2015 : 11:59:05 AM
Mixed up MaryJane's recipe for fly control. Added pennyroyal essential oil to the recipe. Sprayed the inside of the barn as well as the gals and guys. With in a few seconds flies were off the cows. Smell didn't change that much, citronella still the most prominent smell. So all good. Haven't seen much for mosquitoes yet. Hope it stays that way.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 12:37:13 PM
May have to plant it in a container as it's considered an aggressive plant. Toxic to animals if ingested, but sure looks like a tea made of the fresh fern like leaves may deter flies and mosquitoes. The barn will smell of herbs.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 12:28:01 PM
Be sure and let me know how it works for you Theresa. I also read where they dislike Tansy, so may plant that too. And believe it or not I like the smell of Tansy. My grandmother grew it and it brings picture memories to me when I'm around that scent. Deja vu from a scent.
tcboweevil Posted - Mar 18 2015 : 11:35:39 AM
I am trying it too, Janet. Started growing some in Heather' flower bed. Hate the flies less than the poison....