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 Homemade Fly Control

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Aug 13 2014 : 3:06:06 PM
In my book, Milk Cow Kitchen, I share my recipe/concoction for a homemade fly spray that I apply using a backpack sprayer (dedicated to fly spray and not used for anything gardening). I snapped a few BEFORE and AFTER photos today.

Note the red area behind her foreleg (below) where the tiny barn flies (AKA black flies) pictured here (different and much smaller than house flies and vicious too!) like to dine on her blood.

Maizy AFTER:

You can see there are still some biting flies landing on her but not nearly as many.

The spray lasts a day and then I repeat it the following day. It takes 20 minutes to do about a dozen animals. I prefer it over the chemical fly sprays available in feed stores. We also avoid any outbreaks of house flies by using fly predators throughout the summer (source for those also in my book).
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CloversMum Posted - Aug 14 2014 : 1:49:52 PM
I was getting ready to mix up some of your homemade fly spray and now after last night's fabulous rain storm, there are very few flies out today! But I am ready as I know they will be back! Thanks for the reminder about your spray.