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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sarah Posted - Mar 26 2021 : 02:26:30 AM
Our girl calved a little over a week ago with her first calf. It's a heifer! Stella had a textbook delivery, and despite her initial shock at seeing her baby, she settled down and is an excellent mother. We did have to tie her, only twice, to allow the calf to nurse, but all in all she learned quickly. Stella continues to make progress in the milking parlor, yay! Here are a few pictures of her heifer calf, we affectionately call Sassy.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 27 2021 : 03:31:11 AM
Congratulations on your little Miss Sassafras! Enjoying all the photos.
maryjane Posted - Mar 26 2021 : 06:47:04 AM
Ah, little Miss Sassy. You got a girl! In a pink halter! Pleased to hear all is going well. Thank you for sharing your news in photos:)