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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Apr 25 2020 : 8:09:44 PM
As luck would have it, Buttercup calved today, 5 days early which was perfect for me. She went into labor mid-morning. Her water broke at noon but then she stalled. The grandgirls helped me keep vigil but after close to two hours, I decided to call for a vet. I was pretty sure since it was the middle of the day, I'd be able to get a vet out to assist with a calf pull. Vet Emily went in up to her elbows and found each hoof and wrapped them one by one with chains.

Then, she pulled and pulled. Eventually, I assisted by feeling for the head and helping that come out.

Woohoo, a girl with nice long legs!

Cute as a button. Perfect in every way.

I helped Momma stand back up and milked her so we could give the colostrum to baby. To my udder delight, Buttercup wasn't an ounce of trouble getting milked her first time. She stood without a single flinch. I lead her out to another area and we fed the calf. Then I loaded our precious (but heavy) bundle into my calf cart and took her to be with momma.

Baby slept for a while. Meanwhile, Momma passed her placenta so I hauled that off.

Eventually, baby woke up hungry and I watched her drain all four quarters. I don't think I've ever had a calf figure out all four teats so quickly and have such good aim. She's quite the eater because she'd gotten a belly full of colostrum earlier; usually that's like sleep medicine, but not this with this gal.

I got everyone tucked in for the night and spent close to two hours cleaning up the aftermath.

Sure does feel good to have that behind me. Odetta Etta has landed!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - May 08 2020 : 10:14:12 PM
This is so late but Congratulations on Buttercup’s sweet heifer!
How perfect!

NellieBelle Posted - Apr 28 2020 : 5:29:36 PM
Only a couple of days late but, Congratulations on your new heifer calf Odetta Etta! What a beautiful girl. So thankful all worked out well and both Buttercup and calf are well. Yes, now that's behind you and you can enjoy momma and calf. Good to see you Darla!
maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2020 : 6:46:08 PM
I can't believe my eyes. How wonderful to have you check in. I look forward to all things Darla. I like Tom's Lou Moo and New Moo.
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Apr 26 2020 : 5:43:02 PM
Oh My Goodness MaryJane,

She is a doll. Sorry to hear about the hard pull, but glad all is well.
I have one due around the 15th of May. Not from Lou Moo, but New Moo, as Tom affectionately calls them. Have been busy and lots to tell. Tomorrow is a busy day, so I will check in on Tuesday.

maryjane Posted - Apr 26 2020 : 07:57:50 AM
And this morning, Buttercup and baby were caught napping peacefully in the sunshine.