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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Apr 03 2019 : 08:09:14 AM
Since this little guy (coming in at 62# born this morning) came in like a lion, Mia named him Linus.

Maggie's second was so robust that he was at the feeder within 20 minutes after being born. I kid you not.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Apr 06 2019 : 05:51:39 AM
Such happy news, the kind we all like. I like the name Linus. He has the pretty dark coat. Congrats on the little newcomer.
maryjane Posted - Apr 03 2019 : 5:38:39 PM
Round and round baby Linus went today, running circles around his mother. What an energetic little guy!

maryjane Posted - Apr 03 2019 : 10:03:44 AM
Make that exactly 31 minutes (I compared the time on my photos.)

Linus' belly is full of colostrum (record time).

Durvet calcium down the hatch (we used a bag for giving a calf colostrum). We didn't put it down her throat like you would a calf, but off to the side. Once we made sure she was swallowing, we lifted the bag into the air and down it went. (Until you lift the bag it has a kink in it and can't dispense liquids.)

She'll get another bottle tonight.

Placenta delivered and discarded.

And grandgirl Stella is in spa heaven.

Maggie is milked and her and Linus are ready for a nap.