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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Mar 15 2018 : 1:36:48 PM
"Induce me, not happening" said LacyLou this morning!!

At feeding she was just starting to show. At 8:30 it was game on, and by 9:00 she was done. If ever there was a text book delivery, this was it.

I haven't weighed him yet, but he is perfectly healthy. A bit slow to nurse, so I got some colostrum from Lacy and got it in him. All is well.

Adrenalin is the damnedest thing!!!!!!!

Sorry it took so long to get this posted. You all know I stink at this computer stuff. Plus Tom came home for lunch and we had to talk over matters.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Mar 21 2018 : 10:15:48 PM
Thank you for the kind words Keely.

This first time cow mom was a nervous wreck. I don't know if my adrenaline is in check yet. I have had numerous lambs born here and a few goats, but this was just different.

You have quite the gorgeous herd of cows on your farm.

Aren't we blessed that have these amazing animals?
farmlife Posted - Mar 21 2018 : 4:08:43 PM
So glad all turned out for the best! Congrats!
Boots&Flipflops Posted - Mar 15 2018 : 2:19:59 PM
As you can see in the photo where the front hooves have presented, she plopped down with her butt right up to the panel.

Her contractions were coming so fast and close together I didn't want to move her, so I just stuck my hand there to guide him away.

She moved just enough when he was coming out, that I grabbed his front legs and guided him away.

After that it was smooth sailing

I have more photo's I will post a bit later. Still need to download them.

Still doing large exhales!!!

She is very vocal with him and protective, but not aggressively protective.
Good Momma
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 15 2018 : 2:15:35 PM
Awesome possum! Congratulations and that makes two of us "over the moon" happy that is. What a great delivery!!! I will have to keep saying his name, but it will stick once I get it with more of his adorable photos. Truly so thrilled for you all.
maryjane Posted - Mar 15 2018 : 1:56:30 PM
O.M.G. I am over the moon happy and RELIEVED. And soooo glad you grabbed some photos! Just so very relieved. Good job, Darla (and Tom's LacyMoo).

And welcome Stewart Spudnick!

Stew Spudknocker--see I'm already having fun with your fun name.

Game on!

Milk on!