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 Hemocel 100

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CloversMum Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 10:05:20 AM
Has anyone ever heard or used the supplement, Hemocel 100?

The description of it says that it is a supplement for cows, goats and dairy sheep when nutrients associated with poor fertility, lowered immunity, hoof condition and milk production may be required.

Yesterday someone (not MaryJane) suggested that if Clover was not pregnant yet, perhaps her rocky beginning (infections, surgeries, scours, etc) compromised her immune system. Clover was able to be fed all of her mama's colostrum and her mama's milk (it was frozen & thawed) mixed with fresh goat milk. She did have a little bit of milk replacer after 8 weeks of age. She also has a heart murmur which was detected this past summer, but it was determined it was not detrimental to her or would affect a pregnancy.

And, if you have heard of or used Hemocel 100 where did you purchase it?

I am curious if this would be a supplement that would help Clover or is it something unnecessary. I would like to give Clover the ideal nutrition but also be wise and not spend funds on unnecessary supplements.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ron Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 2:08:27 PM
I am sure the cow is bred. Bulls usually get the job done. That's kind of why I don't do AI. Bull every time works here just fine.
CloversMum Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 1:26:33 PM
Thanks Ron. That's what I was hoping! Now I will be off the wall excited if the blood test shows a pregnancy for Clover. And, if she's not pregnant, well, such is life and we will try long as MaryJane is willing.
Ron Posted - Jan 08 2015 : 10:52:56 AM
Oh I don't know Charlene. My gut feeling is the cow is in such good shape from the pics I have seen that I would leave well enough alone. MJ has spent time with Her, the Vet has spent time with Her and if there was a concern someone would have voiced it. I guess any questions being you have such a good vet there I would ask them. Not unusual for the AI thing not to take.