Forum |
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News & Updates from HJO Director, MaryJane Butters |
Buy the BOOKS! My most recent books, Milk Cow Kitchen and Moo-n Over Main Street Metropolis, are now available. Order your autographed copies today! |
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Jul 17 2020 3:31:53 PM by: Boots&Flipflops  |
News of Cowcern Here’s where I share relevant news that pertains to anything dairy. |
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Nov 27 2021 5:44:13 PM by: maryjane  |
Milk Cow Kitchen Book Updates and Revisions Please take a minute to read!  |
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Aug 16 2023 08:46:35 AM by: maryjane  |
Welcome Wagon |
Welcome Wagon Are you new to the Heritage Jersey Organization chatroom? Find out how it works and introduce yourself! We’re anxious to get to know you. |
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Aug 13 2022 8:00:32 PM by: Kinzi  |
Marketplace |
Cows FOR SALE (or barter or swap) Remember, this is a public chatroom. You can click on a member’s name to e-mail them through their profile and keep your contact information private. |
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Oct 17 2023 09:19:41 AM by: maryjane  |
Bulls and Semen FOR SALE (or barter or swap) Remember, this is a public chatroom. You can click on a member’s name to e-mail them through their profile and keep your contact information private. |
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Jun 23 2020 12:12:24 PM by: Boots&Flipflops  |
Steers FOR SALE (or barter or swap) Remember, this is a public chatroom. You can click on a member’s name to e-mail them through their profile and keep your contact information private. |
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Feb 18 2016 7:41:56 PM by: CloversMum  |
Dairy and Farm Equipment FOR SALE (or barter ...) Remember, this is a public chatroom. You can click on a member’s name to e-mail them through their profile and keep your contact information private. |
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Apr 20 2019 8:15:15 PM by: maryjane  |
Hay (and supplements) FOR SALE |
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Jan 29 2018 10:17:14 AM by: hugho  |
Services: Hire In/Hire Out Looking for a helping hand? Or maybe you’re the helping hand? Everything from AI (artificial insemination technicians) to fencing crews to long-distance animal transport, this is the place to get hooked up! |
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Feb 15 2016 7:44:01 PM by: CloversMum  |
"You Bought WHAT?!" |
She’s all mine! Yikes, now what? Share your flair for all things cow—lend an ear, sound off, wax eloquent, moo if you want to. You have our permission to have a cow about it, okay? For those who are still dreaming about a cow of their own, tell us how you found yours. |
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Jan 13 2021 10:17:04 AM by: SLynn  |
Cut the Cow-Speak “What does polled mean?” How about phrases like “She threw a white-faced calf?” Or “Does a cow have to get pregnant in order to give milk?” “What’s a heifer?” “What’s the difference between hay and straw?” “What’s a steer?” Ask it HERE! Freshen, strip, dip. There ain’t no such thing as a stupid question. |
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Apr 12 2017 7:46:08 PM by: maryjane  |
Housing From stanchions to milking parlors to feed bunks to fences, what’s necessary and what’s pie in the sky? |
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Sep 03 2018 10:03:23 AM by: maryjane  |
Pasture Perfect Pasture management has its ups and downs. Share your successes (and your failures—don’t be shy now). The grass is often greener when a neighbor lends a hand. |
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May 04 2019 06:30:01 AM by: maryjane  |
Pasture-fed vs. Grain-fed What’s your take on the grass-fed movement? Doable? Desirable? |
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Dec 22 2017 10:02:49 AM by: NellieBelle  |
Mineral Supplements How important are they? Very. And to make things more difficult, mineral requirements vary from locale to locale. What’s lacking in your area? How do you supply the right mix of minerals? |
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Mar 06 2019 08:19:16 AM by: maryjane  |
Breeding How does one choose between artificial insemination (AI) and a live bull? How often does a cow need to get pregnant in order to keep a supply of milk? Can I force her to go into heat with an injection? At what age is a bull old enough to be a bull? |
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Aug 18 2021 1:18:51 PM by: maryjane  |
Inbreeding Not everyone thinks inbreeding is a bad thing. Notable universities promote it as “line breeding” for purposes of breed integrity and selection. What’s your take on it? |
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Oct 22 2015 7:30:56 PM by: maryjane  |
Birth and Delivery At what age can my cow get pregnant for the first time? How long is a cow pregnancy? When a cow delivers, am I supposed to assist? What do I do if my cow’s delivery goes south on me? |
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Oct 08 2021 07:10:32 AM by: NellieBelle  |
Calf Health From bottle feeding to nursing to vaccines and disinfecting the umbilical cord, what's necessary and what can be expected when bovine bouncing baby arrives? |
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Jun 23 2020 12:29:54 PM by: Boots&Flipflops  |
Pest Control We hate meeses to pieces, but they’re a fact of life. Share your rodent and fly control protocol. |
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Jul 18 2017 1:37:39 PM by: NellieBelle  |
It's All About the Milk |
Milking All about milking ... hand vs. machine, let-down, machine preferences, pasteurizers, etc. Details, details! |
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Mar 03 2021 09:13:29 AM by: Sarah  |
Sanitation Share your tips for keeping things clean. Remember, none of us were born in a barn. |
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Feb 08 2019 1:23:45 PM by: maryjane  |
Raw vs. Pasteurized What’s your take on all of it and why? |
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Dec 19 2016 06:06:30 AM by: maryjane  |
A1 vs. A2—all the RAGE! The A1 vs. A2 controversy rages on. What’s your two cents worth? Hold on!!! Just what is A1 vs. A2 milk? Well, we thought you’d never ask. |
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Jul 13 2016 5:38:33 PM by: txbikergirl  |
Bottle-fed vs. Teat-fed Do you leave a calf on your cow when you’re milking her or do you strictly bottle feed until it’s old enough to survive on hay? How old is old enough? |
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May 05 2017 09:41:14 AM by: Sydney2015  |
Happy and Healthy |
Milk Cow Kitchen |
Recipes “When I’m in my kitchen, I use milk to make ...” From cheeses to butter to gravy to milkshakes, fill in the blanks. |
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Dec 01 2017 3:04:01 PM by: NellieBelle  |
Entremanureship Taking the leap to sell your dairy products can be daunting. We’re here for you! From packaging tips to regulatory requirements, you have serious homework to do, and we’d like to hear all about it! |
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May 13 2016 4:47:15 PM by: CloversMum  |
Meat and Butchering Regardless of my feelings, it’s headed for the freezer—the pros and cons of raising and butchering your own meat. |
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Nov 03 2014 3:11:07 PM by: Jersey James  |
Milk Maid Fashion What do you WEAR to greet your cow every day? Winter can be serious business. From boots to bonnets to gloves to socks, what are your favorites and why? |
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May 18 2016 4:35:32 PM by: txbikergirl  |
Milk Cow Decor And last but not least, do you, um, decorate your home and office in all things cow? Cow decor is now officially trendy. Show ’n tell it here! |
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Feb 18 2018 06:22:55 AM by: txbikergirl  |
Cow Community and Chit Chat |
Chit Chat and Daily Weather Report We’ve got it all—from mild and balmy to wild, wacky, and wicked. What’s going on in your world today? |
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Feb 01 2025 07:35:39 AM by: NellieBelle  |
Cow Share Programs Do they work? What are the legalities of neighbors jointly owning a cow? |
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Sep 22 2014 1:43:40 PM by: Ron  |
Zoning Codes Changing zoning codes to allow for backyard cows can be difficult to understand, but people are doing it everywhere. Let’s build support! What are the steps you went through? |
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Oct 27 2014 7:48:02 PM by: Ron  |
Barnyard Buddies We mustn’t neglect the critters that serve as “cow”panions to our bovine friends. From honeybees to hens and pigs to peacocks, we’re hopeless animal lovers. Who are the critters in your life? |
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Jul 21 2018 9:36:21 PM by: chives  |
Parenting and Chores How do we keep our kids from being swept up in the hype of the world? The power of animal chores just might be what saves us. |
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May 24 2019 09:01:27 AM by: maryjane  |
Hogs & Quiches & Prayers Round-up When our animals are ailing, we are too. Hugs, kisses, prayers, and support. Give ’em and get ’em here! |
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Jan 02 2016 06:00:35 AM by: chives  |
Resources Books, websites, and how-to animal care video links, equipment recommendations, etc. |
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Nov 16 2020 4:03:55 PM by: maryjane  |
We're Here for You |
Posting Photos and Videos It’s easy-peasy. Find out how in the FAQ. |
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Nov 15 2020 3:09:11 PM by: maryjane  |
Technical Support Post here if you have problems or questions related to the use of this chatroom. |
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Mar 03 2021 08:33:10 AM by: maryjane  |
Practice Area This is the place that gives you a chance to become more familiar with how to use certain features so you can keep testing them in one place until you get it right. Hang in there. You’ll get it! |
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Dec 21 2017 08:18:48 AM by: maryjane  |
Suggestions Post ideas for improving our chatroom, new categories, and any other suggestions you may have. |
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Mar 10 2015 7:20:09 PM by: Sydney2015  |
Statistics |
97 of 516 Members have made 36768 posts in 51 forums, with the last post on Feb 01 2025 07:35:39 AM by: NellieBelle. |
There are currently 2674 topics. |
Please welcome our newest member: Bekscott. |