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7074 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 09:40:39 AM
Guess what, chicken butt? Connie's sister has a neighbor, who after raising and homeschooling 4 children is letting go, "I'm going to live in a teepee this summer, sail the Sea of Cortez, spend more time with my grandchildren ..."

I had her package them up the night before (once they're on their roost for the night, it's less stressful for them--they just fall into your hands).
Anyway, this morning she brought me 11 Buff Orpingtons (my favorite chicken) that are only one year old and laying, and HEALTHY as all get out, and trained to follow her everyone to the sound of grain in a bucket. I'm over the moon. They became instant friends with the four I have left after the morning of the coyote (2 buffs and 2 Araucanas). I'm not letting my girls free-range for now (they have a large run) but I miss seeing them out and about. Given I've never lost a chicken to a predator in 20 years, I might get brave again.

Meanwhile, my new little babies are growing by leaps and bounds, but even so it will take a while before I have eggs again. With my new buffs I'll be gathering eggs again tomorrow morning (although my 4 remaining girls gave me two this morning).

P.S. I have a water nipple in a lemonade pitcher as their source of water. Everything stays clean and they love playing with the little mechanism in order to drink water. It takes chicks about two minutes to figure it out.
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
11218 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 10:01:36 AM
All is good in the MaryJane chicken world! What a wonderful addition. Nice to have new hens. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
11218 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 10:06:58 AM
Oh, and BTW, the young lady in the photo doesn't look like she could have home schooled 4 children or could have grandchildren. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 10:15:40 AM
Ha, I'll tell her that. She's more our age Janet and still going strong. It was wonderful to meet her. She and her husband worked as outfitters for many years so we have the guest, B&B thing in common. Her brother and his wife/family are the Christmas tree farmers Meg wrote up in our holiday issue. |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
11218 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 10:33:52 AM
That's what makes her look so young. Outfitters, great outdoors, guests… Very nice! |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
3197 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 1:58:39 PM
first off, she's adorable and love the grin. second, i agree with janet - she looks young... goes to show you it is all attitude. you gotta own it.
maryjane it occurred to me that her handing over her beloved chickens is almost akin to you sending sally and elsa my way. a lot of trust there, and hope that the receiving end will love them as much as the giving does. thats a blessing.
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
3197 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 1:59:19 PM
and the wallpaper in the coop always cracks me up ;> |
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 7:41:40 PM
She definitely has visitation rights. In the meantime, photos and updates, Cindy-style. Her 77 year old mother was getting married today. She (daughter) moved here two years ago to help take care of her dying father. Happy ending of sorts. I mean beginning. But getting married again when you're 77?
I do think adopting someone's beloved animals that they've poured love and time into comes with the responsibility to fully honor that by continuing it, heart and soul. Why create your world any other way?
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 14 2016 : 8:29:41 PM
Well, my new girls waited until just moments before it got dark to go in and roost. My four had gone in an hour earlier. My four were on one far end of the roost and the new 11 were bunched together tightly on the other far end. Birds of a feather ... |
MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
1413 Posts
Posted - May 15 2016 : 4:19:22 PM
We will often wait to put new birds in with our existing ones until everyone is on the roosts at night. That way when they wake up in the morning they have already "met" if you will.
It sounds like your new girls are adjusting well, MaryJane. Congratultations! |
7074 Posts
Posted - May 15 2016 : 5:14:14 PM
Today was a rainy nap day for my cow girls, but the chickens were out and about getting soaking wet. When I opened the gate to the pasture, my girls told me they'd rather stay in bed. Lazy Daizy (with her head facing the corner:)

MaryJane Butters, author of Milk Cow Kitchen ~ striving for the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain ~ |
7074 Posts
3197 Posts
Posted - May 15 2016 : 6:56:01 PM
that is very, very sweet. she has such a love for the bison, it really shows. |
Firefly Hollow Farm , our little farmstead. Farmgirl living in the green piney woods of East Texas on 23 acres with a few jerseys, too many chickens, a pair of pugs and my Texan hubby (aka "lover boy") |
11218 Posts
Posted - May 15 2016 : 7:24:55 PM
Heartbreaking. Comforting to know she can go visit whenever she likes to see Bullet. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
11218 Posts
Posted - May 15 2016 : 7:27:17 PM
Rainy days were meant for "cow naps." Nice and cozy. |
To laugh is human but to moo is bovine. Author Unknown |
3486 Posts
Posted - May 16 2016 : 9:11:50 PM
I met the previous owner of your new buff orpingtons ... she really is a great gal! When I met her, I immediately thought of you, MaryJane, and hoped you'd meet her. And here you go ... adopting her beloved buffs. We got our Christmas tree from her brother and family this past year and will most definitely go back. She let me tour one of her tepees ... what luxury!
Loving life and family on our Idaho farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm; A few Jersey cows; a few alpacas; a few more goats, and even more ducks and chickens |
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