T O P I C R E V I E W |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 13 2014 : 10:41:11 AM I mentioned elsewhere (one of the posts under "weather") that we were opening a bed 'n breakfast soon. MaryJane surprised me with the offer for a bed set for one of the beds. It is lovely! Here's the photo of her blue Cotton Clouds bedding:
And, I asked her for a little card to put in the room so our guests would know where this scrumptious bedding came from! It is just so perfect and I love it! Thank you, MaryJane! |
25 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
CloversMum |
Posted - May 13 2016 : 4:47:15 PM So, I always wondered how quick a turn-around I could do with my BnB. I found out today! First guest left this morning at 8 am, left their luggage in our living room. Beds were changed and towels in the wash by 8:30 am. Rooms were ready by noon, but still had to purchase a couple of items for the breakfast nook. Picked up son from school, ran to the store and finished up the rooms by 3:30, first guest arrived back here to pick up their luggage and left by 3:45 and new guests arrived promptly at 4 pm. Whew. Did it.
We do enjoy meeting such wonderful people from all over and several have become friends who stay with us repeatedly. What a treat. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 10:36:07 PM Thanks, Sydney. |
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 5:08:04 PM Wow, great website Charlene. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Mar 20 2015 : 11:00:54 AM Sydney,
I also post a lot on Facebook...I have two pages: search for Meadowlark Heritage Farm Bed and Breakfast, plus the one for my little farm, Meadowlark Heritage Farm |
Sydney2015 |
Posted - Mar 15 2015 : 10:01:30 AM Charlene, what is the link to your website? |
txbikergirl |
Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 7:42:07 PM charlene your B&B accomodation is beautiful. and nice website too. the goats make you smile! |
farmlife |
Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 4:08:20 PM Yum! |
maryjane |
Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 1:18:56 PM That's gorgeous Charlene. By far, that was the best part of running our B&B, pampering guests with delicious food. I'm one sewer system closer to having a B&B again. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Mar 14 2015 : 12:48:02 PM Breakfast served to our guests this morning...cinnamon rolls with individual quiche made from our fresh chicken eggs! But no farm made cheese...yet!
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 10:03:19 PM Yes, Ron, the Oberhasli breed is a very hardy breed of goat. They are a Swiss Alpine breed and do very well in cold temperatures. Now, if it is going to be cold, I do shut my goats up in their shed. Tonight the low is expected to be about 9 degrees so I shut the goats up. (I baby my goats!) They need to get in out of the wind and they do cuddle up for warmth. Now my buck absolutely freaks out if I try to close the door to his shed...so it stays open and he has always been fine. |
Ron |
Posted - Nov 29 2014 : 06:25:06 AM Does this breed tolerate cold? |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 28 2014 : 7:33:00 PM They are great, Ron!!! And, their milk is quite tasty...not quite like Jersey's but still good. Goat cheese is good, too. I love how each one knows their name and I can call them and each one will come to me, even when in the middle of the herd. I love it! I think its great watching one of my does weave and push her way through to get to me after I've called her name. |
Ron |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 6:39:59 PM I WANT ONE ! ( Ron= Animal dating fool! |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 4:44:32 PM Thank you everyone. I hope we can be gracious hosts to everyone who stays with us. Hopefully, we can get our place advertised well enough to start getting some reservations. I ordered brochures which will be delivered next week but I still need perhaps a better website...I'm not very good with computers and everyone keeps telling me that my website will sell the BnB. I am learning. :-) Frankly, I'd rather be setting up the rooms, caring for my farm animals, chatting here instead of working on a website!
Here are my happy goats that greet me every morning:

This is Marigold and Tulip. DaisyMae, Poppy, Tansy, and Blossom were still outside in the pasture. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 07:24:13 AM Great experience for any and all who stay at Meadowlark Heritage Farm! Very nice! |
Ron |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 05:29:13 AM And all the cool farm animals too! |
farmlife |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 05:18:44 AM Goes without saying, right Ron? |
Ron |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 05:03:40 AM Not too mention the second to none Hostess. |
farmlife |
Posted - Nov 26 2014 : 04:55:24 AM It sounds and looks wonderful, Charlene. Good luck! |
maryjane |
Posted - Nov 25 2014 : 9:25:30 PM I got to see it in person. The private deck has the most amazing view! And the accommodations are fabulous, just fabulous. Charlene has attended to every detail. Plus I think guests will benefit from and enjoy the Meadowlark Heritage Farm scene. Very uplifting. |
Ron |
Posted - Nov 25 2014 : 10:51:04 AM Congratulations! May your new endevore boom. So very nice and homey looking. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 25 2014 : 08:39:55 AM So we are up and running! If you so desire, see us at our website: meadowlarkheritagefarm.com or find us on Facebook (search for Meadowlark Heritage Bed and Breakfast) for all the photos and information! My dear son-in-law came over on Saturday and took the photos for me and we got everything posted. |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 21 2014 : 06:15:10 AM Oh yes, Janet, it will be worth it! I actually like busy days like yesterday as long as I don't have several of them all in a row. It was just a little crazy with the workers asking questions (some I knew the answers to and others required a quick call to the hubby). I wanted to make some molasses cookies to take over to MJ and her husband...never happened until late last night, unfortunately. And, I still have some cookie dough to pop into the oven this morning...always makes the house smell wonderful. |
NellieBelle |
Posted - Nov 21 2014 : 04:23:40 AM It sounds like a pretty full day Charlene but when your B&B is finished, and Clover is pregnant, it will be all worth every moment. Hang in there lady! |
CloversMum |
Posted - Nov 20 2014 : 9:08:01 PM Today was a busy day as our builder came bright and early to start on the double doors in the hallway leading to the guest bedrooms. Workers were coming in and out all day...good progress was made. The double doors look so grand and inviting at the same time! Pictures will be posted when it is completed.
And, then this afternoon I took Clover over to MaryJane's. Busy day on the farm and loved it all. |