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maryjane Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 1:00:02 PM
My big Jersey girl, Fanci (11 years old), is due any day now. Here's how I've been pampering her several times/day.

And then of course her full-body rubs also give me a workout!

As I stepped out from pampering Fanci, there stood my other Jersey girl, Eliza Belle (born here), who is also due any day now with her first calf. I've been giving her lots of love and body rubs as well.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 06 2015 : 03:18:40 AM
Hello Victoria. I knew Annabelle would love her massage. Don't think of it as spoiled, think of it as well deserved. You will both benefit from the massage/workout together. Hope to get a picture of Annabelle. Hint.
chives Posted - Nov 05 2015 : 7:17:36 PM
Annabelle has a massage at night now. She loves it. Her chin rests on the floor as I massage her neck. I suppose she is going to request that every night. I guess I will just have to give in to her. She is highly spoiled, but she doesn't think so.
Andrea0509 Posted - Nov 05 2015 : 6:28:50 PM
Thanks for sharing these! Love seeing the wonderful bond you have with your sweet girls.
CloversMum Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 11:34:24 AM
Oh, that looks so comforting for the cows. Thank you for sharing. Those cows definitely are getting the royal treatment and it shows in how much they trust you.

Clover and Betsy want to make an appointment!
Ron Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 05:59:42 AM
I bet Nick is ready to get bred and start mooing to get treatment like that !
NellieBelle Posted - Nov 04 2015 : 04:37:56 AM
Love it MaryJane. Been doing a lot of massage and a lot of mucking. What a work out. :) Thanks for posting video of the cow massage therapy.
chives Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 6:24:47 PM
That is just the best ever. Your opening a cow spa soon right?
txbikergirl Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 2:46:53 PM
i just LOVE how in the first video at the end she just rolls over in submission like a dog. that is trust in you. lovely.
Sydney2015 Posted - Nov 03 2015 : 1:18:05 PM
I bet Fanci loves the full body rubs.