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 Banding a bull

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Jun 15 2018 : 4:55:51 PM
Banded bull O'Mally:

Having castrated several bulls using the incision method, so far I'm preferring the banding method. Using a hand-held device that stretched the band out, we placed it on his testicles (two of us holding him on the ground). It was then tightened. With the incision method, our vet always gave the bull a tetanus shot, so we did that this time as well (we picked one up from our vet's office beforehand). For the rest of that day, he seemed aware that something wasn't right and several times arched his back, but by the next day it was as if nothing had happened. In the above photos, the band has been on for about a month. His testicle sack is like a dry piece of leather. It will eventually fall off.

P.S. I typed this on my new iMac. Lots to learn, but so far, so good. I'm
all thumbs on my new keyboard.