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 Preventing Scours w/ Apple Cider Vinegar

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Boots&Flipflops Posted - Aug 31 2017 : 7:17:11 PM
I was looking for an article for class and ran across this one. I know many of you use cider vinegar, but do you start your calves on it to prevent scours?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
chives Posted - Oct 07 2017 : 8:47:33 PM
This is a very good article. Thank you for sharing.
CloversMum Posted - Sep 01 2017 : 1:33:47 PM
Thank you, Darla, for an interesting article! I put apple cider vinegar into my goats' water buckets almost all the time, and definitely during breeding season. And, my chickens also get it in their drinking water as well.

This would be another great use for the vinegar. And, I bet it might work on goat kids as well ... but we hardly ever have any scour issues with our goat kids, thankfully.

Is it possible to make apple cider vinegar at home? I just thought of that and probably just need to google it. But I'll ask here anyway!
maryjane Posted - Sep 01 2017 : 06:11:06 AM
Darla, I LOVE this kind of article. It's sooo thorough. I often read something like this and have more questions than answers afterward, but not with this one. As I was reading, I started thinking, that much vinegar would curdle real milk ... but then that was addressed eventually. And how long they feed and what they feed was described. Thank you. Very informative. Plus, they raise Jerseys:)