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T O P I C    R E V I E W
koverfelt Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 3:28:56 PM
We have been sorting through a lot of old books and magazines at the farm. Check out this fun photo we found.

Milkmaid Champ Trains: Ina Leslie
This 17-year-old school girl, twice winner of the Southern California milking title, is shown preparing to compete again at Los Angeles County Fair. -Herbert
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Mar 28 2015 : 10:04:47 PM
She must have had strong arms and forearms! I wonder how much and how fast she was able to milk...
Sydney2015 Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 4:59:34 PM
That is very neat.
NellieBelle Posted - Mar 27 2015 : 4:12:31 PM
What a neat picture. Wonder how many years ago that was taken?