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T O P I C    R E V I E W
maryjane Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 10:21:15 AM
My grandgirl Stella Jane, has been bringing home from her school library any books she can find about cows. This one is adorable. Udder muffs anyone? Think Christmas gifts and get out your knitting needles (circular needles needed for the teat warmers).

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
CloversMum Posted - Dec 03 2014 : 08:43:31 AM
These books are great! On my list to add for my grandbaby and maybe a few nieces and nephews. Thanks for sharing!
farmlife Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 12:16:54 PM
I had to look up the author because her last name sounded familiar. Turns out she is married to Jerry Spinelli who writes children's books for older elementary school kids. Sounds likes a talented couple!
NellieBelle Posted - Dec 01 2014 : 11:04:21 AM
How how cute. Yes, just knit, insert teats, tie with a bow on her back and ready for winter. That would certainly be a nice thing in this arctic blast. I love children's books and will have to add this one to my children
library. I came across one the other day called, "The Littlest Cow," by Melissa Glim. I haven't read it but it looked like it might be a good story. Thanks for sharing. Another, The Cow Who Wouldn't Come Down, by Paul Brett Johnson.